Thursday, November 16, 2006

For the betterment of mankind

The first annual Rickshaw Run is more than just Cannonball Run set in India. When the race is through the rickshaws and any additional funds raised will be donated to a needy family in one of India’s poorest provinces, Sikkim. The idea behind the charity side of the rickshaw run is pretty simple. Many auto-rickshaw taxi drivers are forced to live in a state of poverty because they don't have the money to buy their rickshaw. They borrow the money or rent the rickshaw often at extortionate rates. Which means that while they can earn a living from the taxi fares, a large amount of it, often more than half, goes to pay off the debt or pay the rent of the vehicle. Giving a rickshaw to a poor family is a huge life changing gift that enables them to earn a living without the burden of an impossible debt. When we get to the finish line we will hand over the rickshaws to an NGO working in Siligury, monitored by Mercy Corps, who will distribute them to the most needy cases. They will provide us with full reports on how the distribution is going and ensure everything is done in a transparent and proper fashion.
Help us rally for the cause by visiting our fund raising page here:

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